Cecil Smith, a local Oregon contractor was born and raised in Southern Oregon. For 27 years Cecil has operated his business in Gresham. During the late 1970’s Cecil worked as a commercial remodeler and general residential remodeler. As time went on Cecil spent more time doing remodeling and also custom homes. It was at this time, while doing a custom home that Cecil encountered his first EI (Environmental Illness) client. This client had special needs that had to be met to create a safe and healthy living environment. Research and study as well as working hand in hand with clients’ doctors have garnered Cecil knowledge as well as being considered and expert in the field of EI and MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). Cecil has spent the last 15+ years working with many clients that have special needs and has successfully built and remodeled many homes making them a safe “haven” for each person.
“We are all affected by the chemicals in our homes and in the world around us; there are others who are severely affected to the point where it affects their way of life,” states Cecil.
There are people who are becoming seriously ill due to the various chemicals used in regular everyday building products as well as cleaning products, mold, dust just to name a few. In the past 15 years Cecil has built several “Healthy Homes” and has also taken several existing structures and made them “Healthier Homes”, by lowering the toxicity that normal homes have. Cecil has become known as an expert in the area of Chemical Sensitivities and how to handle them in the home environment. Using environmentally sound products without the harsh chemicals and dust causing agents is one of the biggest challenges for each individual client. “There is never one sure fire method that works for each EI client, everyone has a different tolerance level and we must be very careful not to increase the possible health risks” Cecil explains, “what works for one client may cause the other to become extremely ill.” We make sure that each client is tested for every product before it is used in their home. All of our crew including our subcontractors have been trained to uphold our standards so that each clients home will be as safe as possible while we work on it.
Cecil has several published articles in various magazines and publications, such as Better Homes and Gardens; and Builder/Architect and has a sidebar published in a book on Healthy Home Construction. Cecil was a guest speaker at a conference hosted in Japan on Environmental Issues, while there he also instructed 2 classes on Healthy Home Building specifically for Builders, HVAC Specialists, Architects and designers allowing him the opportunity to share some of his knowledge.
Be sure to check out the pictures of our Healthy Homes, and see what we can do to make your home safer and Healthier.